Green Racine

Welcome to Green Racine!

Please check the page out and visit the links. I love Nuke and Wind Power. Still think we should drill here and drill now!
A wide mix here from Green power to why we need to end the Embargo on Cuba.
I see myself as being GREEN but far from an Al Gore Green Nazi.
Hope this page provokes thought if nothing else

Monday, January 19, 2009

Massachusetts wind power

Gov. Deval Patrick, D-Mass., has set a goal of developing 2,000 MW of wind power capacity by 2020. Citing new mandates that require greater use of renewable energy and sharp reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, Massachusetts can only fulfill these obligations with a significant commitment to wind power, according to the governor.

"With the growing interest in wind turbines we see in communities across the commonwealth and the abundant wind resource we have off our coast, wind power is going to be a centerpiece of the clean energy economy we are creating for Massachusetts," says Patrick.

Massachusetts has been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to house one of two wind technology testing centers in the U.S.

Patrick has directed Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian Bowles to use the 2,000 MW wind goal, as well as the mandates and incentives provided in the package of clean energy legislation enacted last year, to guide the state's efforts to dramatically increase the development and deployment of wind power in the coming years.

There are currently nine wind turbines with capacity of 100 kW or greater installed in Massachusetts, for a total generating capacity of 6.6 MW. There are also more than 300 wind turbines at various stages of planning and permitting that represent a generating capacity of 800 MW.

Installing wind capacity of 2,000 MW would meet an estimated 10% of the state's current electric load with wind power.

SOURCE: Office of Gov. Deval Patrick

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