Green Racine

Welcome to Green Racine!

Please check the page out and visit the links. I love Nuke and Wind Power. Still think we should drill here and drill now!
A wide mix here from Green power to why we need to end the Embargo on Cuba.
I see myself as being GREEN but far from an Al Gore Green Nazi.
Hope this page provokes thought if nothing else

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Eco One

If you want to help with the effot and get great deals for Green Cleaning products
try Eco One get 10% off and know your helping Green Racine with getting the ED Clingman Experimental Organic Farm up and running. Use greenracine in the coupon code box

The Farm Part II

Going this morning to meet Cindy's partner in the land. Interested in hearing his ideas and getting a contract going. Mr.Chun Lin I understand is very interested in the modle I talked to Cindy about hoping for the best I will need to get going on many phashes of this at once from getting the land plowed to obataning the seeds and starting them and of course fund raising. I am betting that my understanding the new now will help in Fund Raising and getting the word out.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring and News!!

The winter sucks for doing much outside and I did do some Podcasting. Had Ms Mead on again from Victory Garden Initiative on again always a great interview.
Coming into Spring we have happy news! We may be renting up to 10 ac of land to go along with the 3 in Caledonia. I think this would make us one of the largest farms dedicated to growing food into the Farmers Markets East of I-94. The plan is to grow a range of food that one does not usually find in Farmer's Markets. A my Father would have said if everyone is growing Corn grow something else. there is a huge need in this area for good local products and I plan to help meet=t that need. If I must I will also create the distribution poit for the food as well
This will be a challenge but not one I can not overcome.
Nice thing is my Employer is helping me do this. I work for Pacific Sands as an outside sales and crazed Marketing guy. To say thinks to my Boss if you go to and use the code greenracine your save 10% and help me out too. Have great environmentally friendly products (End of plug.) Needed to say that as so many companies "do" green things Pacific Sands does. More very soon

Friday, January 29, 2010

Green Racine Products

This year Green Racine will offer for sale:


55 Gal Rain Barrels
250 Gal Water Tanks
55 Gal Composting Drums

Also help in creating Raised Bed Gardens

Starting in Late 4/10 Composted Horse Manure

Contact for more information

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bird Feeders

Got the birds coming to the feeders. No major issues with Squirrels. Receiving Seed Catalogs in the mail. DO NOT USE OLD SEEDS I did to try and save cash but 90% of those seeds did not grow. So yes it might cost more cash but please IMHO new seeds maybe not each year after say two or three years use new. Might have been how we stored them but why take chances?
Found that Detroit is doing cool things with Urban Gardens wish Racine would. Looks more like to me that our Mayor thinks IMHO that it is more critical to enrich his pals then it is to say help feed the hungry.