Green Racine

Welcome to Green Racine!

Please check the page out and visit the links. I love Nuke and Wind Power. Still think we should drill here and drill now!
A wide mix here from Green power to why we need to end the Embargo on Cuba.
I see myself as being GREEN but far from an Al Gore Green Nazi.
Hope this page provokes thought if nothing else

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Wisconsin paper mill steps up to the plate with help from the Goverment to look into Bio-Fuels from by products. Read about it here:

Monday, January 28, 2008

A start

Oil is used to make plastic, if we cut back on plastic we cut back on the oil we need right?
Also plastic is hard on landfills and wildlife.
So what is the big deal about folks cutting back on plastic water bottles?

A school and kids in Racine WI, are on the right track.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Wind Energy has impact on local economy

Wind Energy Weekly.With the state's governor and other dignitaries joining the celebration inWest Branch, Iowa, developer and turbine manufacturer Acciona marked theopening of its first U.S. wind turbine production plant on January 17.The $23 million project was constructed in seven months. The plant willprovide more than 100 new jobs and will produce 200 wind turbines in 2008,with plans to increase to 400 turbines per year in the future. The facilitywill supply turbines primarily for Acciona Energy wind farms throughoutNorth America and will utilize proprietary technology from its wind turbinemanufacturing subsidiary, Acciona Windpower, to produce its AWP 1.5-77models.Joining company executives and guests for the facility's official dedicationwere Iowa Governor Chet Culver (D), West Branch Mayor Sandy Hatfield, andUniversity of Iowa President Sally Mason. Senior executives from Acciona'smanagement team in Spain joined the festivities to commemorate the companymilestone.Acciona also announced a $15,000 gift to the city of West Branch inrecognition of its support for the project. The money will go toward the city's downtown enhancement effort. The Acciona project was aided by theIowa Department of Economic Development, City of West Branch, Iowa City AreaDevelopment Group, and Cedar County Economic Development Commission.Acciona's West Branch plant will increase the company's total productioncapacity to 2,280 MW a year.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Interesting news

Links to news
First the JS On Line About Wind Power:
Here is a man wanting to do something great and yet...

And from International Herald Tribune: Some companies get it

From Racine The kids at Walden School trying to do more for their school to be Green was turned down for a $30,000 for Solar power from Johnson's Wax. This would be the same company that spend millions to try and stop WE Energies from building a Coal plant satying among other things that Johnson Wax wanted to invest in solar and wind power in the Racine area. Thanks J Wax!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I See the times to come

For those who want to hind their heads in the sand about the need for more power plants I give you this news from the great State of California

From the International Herald Tribune:
"Next year in California, state regulators are likely to have the emergency power to control individual thermostats, sending temperatures up or down through a radio-controlled device that will be required in new or substantially modified houses and buildings to manage electricity shortages.
The proposed rules are contained in a document circulated by the California Energy Commission, which for more than three decades has set state energy efficiency standards for home appliances, like water heaters, air conditioners and refrigerators.
The changes would allow utilities to adjust customers' preset temperatures when the price of electricity is soaring. Customers could override the utilities' suggested temperatures. But in emergencies, the utilities could override customers' wishes.
Final approval is expected next month."
The full story can be found here:

Do not think that this will not happen or that the energy faeries are going to come up with magic ways to power your business and home.

As much as we may not like (I do) Coal power plants there is a need for them. and if we do not start NOW to act it will be too late.
As the D. K'.s used to sing "California Uber Allis!"

Monday, January 7, 2008

Plasic Bags

Why does every store want to give you 100 plasic bags for each thing you buy?
My wife takes a nice cloth bag to the store to help do her part each time at the Pig they look at her like she is stealing the store?

Friday, January 4, 2008

Victory Gardens

In my last post I linked to a story about food shoratages due to E 85 use. To save $$ my kin will be growing victory gardens. Why not you?
There are many around Racine most have room for you to have a plot. Sure it takes time to take care of a garden but just think you can get outside get some sun see how this good earth gives us what we need to live on.
Wish we could have Fowl I loved to have some chickens get rid of the damed beetles hell on mosquitos. Better then using spray.
Think about starting one.

Neat Video

Check out the neat video shots on this page!

Corn ethanol

Corn based ethanol will kill millions around the world mostly kids.
Want proof?
Ethanol is not as good as Gas must truck to transport.
But that is what we where told would help us beat oil.
Sorry good for the Corn growers but that is about it.
In fact we do not have the land to grow all the corn needed by Corn ethanol plants if we went 100% in fact we do not have the land to do 50%.
So as Al Gore drives his E 85 SUV to show us the way, he will be killing kids.
Way to go Al.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Al Gore Should read this.

Interesting story out of Russia.
So start buying your fur coats now!
Note Snow is predicted for parts of FL.

The thing is when Gore is proven to be part of the bogus "Man causes Global Warming" some (well many) will want resume a lifestyle they gave up for the Earth.
Just because Gore is a nut should NOT be an excuse not to do Earth friendly actions.
The actions one does to prevent "Global Warming" also help reduce the amount of energy we import.