Green Racine

Welcome to Green Racine!

Please check the page out and visit the links. I love Nuke and Wind Power. Still think we should drill here and drill now!
A wide mix here from Green power to why we need to end the Embargo on Cuba.
I see myself as being GREEN but far from an Al Gore Green Nazi.
Hope this page provokes thought if nothing else

Sunday, November 30, 2008


As we go into the Winter of 08-09 tonight Racine WI is going to get 8" of snow. (Grrr) I am taking the time to think of what I can do to improve our Recycle-Reduce-Reuse goals.
With out first heating bill of the season coming any day, I am very glad that my wife thought of getting our attic better insulated. The $600+ we will spend should pay for itself quickly and help reduce our use of NG.
The Garden is put to bed and we are planing on expanding it and hopefully starting another plot Green Racine is a firm believer in growing one own food to insure quality and supply.
Check out our Amazon Store and if you can please pick out a book or two for someone this Xmas.

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