Green Racine

Welcome to Green Racine!

Please check the page out and visit the links. I love Nuke and Wind Power. Still think we should drill here and drill now!
A wide mix here from Green power to why we need to end the Embargo on Cuba.
I see myself as being GREEN but far from an Al Gore Green Nazi.
Hope this page provokes thought if nothing else

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Food Co-Op
Garden Tool/Seed Co-Op
Working to end the Cuban Embargo
Bringing investment via Wind Power to Southeastern Wisconsin
Stopping KRM

Capt Jones Victory Garden and Rev Brg

We are working with Capt Jones Victory Garden to create a Gardening tool lending Co-Op when neiboors could get help and some small tools to start a garden.
Needs right now is a little cash and used tools you may not want anymore.
God willing we can get this up and running by Earth Day.
Ping us if you would like to help.

Food Co-Ops

Might Racine WI take to a basic food Co-op? Cheaper food better food set it up in a central location or perhaps a place downtown.
Just basic food Milk Eggs bread vegs. No beer, wine, or candy. Do workshops on food prep and gardening.
Neighbors working with neighbors
Thoughts? Ideas?

Friday, January 30, 2009

Brownfields to Renewable Energy

Michigan State University

January 27, 2009 517.432.8800

Heidi Charron
517.432.8800 Ext. 109

East Lansing, MI--Connecting the redevelopment of brownfields in Michigan to renewable energy offers great potential for the state, according to a new case study released by the Land Policy Institute at Michigan State University. The study estimates the renewable energy potential of brownfield sites in Michigan, concluding that an estimated 4,320 megawatts (Mw) of plate capacity could be generated and another 1,535 Mw if photovoltaic solar arrays are placed on the brownfield lands. The combined estimate of 5,855 Mw of plate capacity is equivalent to what it would take to power 1.8 million homes, or almost 50 percent of Michigan homes. Estimated positive economic impacts include the creation of over 17,500 construction, maintenance and operation jobs and more than $15 billion in new investment dollars.

Michigan, which ranks high in its potential to generate renewable energy, adopted a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) last year. The RPS calls for 10 percent of Michigan's energy to come from a combination of efficiency gains in energy use (1 percent) and renewable energy sources (9 percent) by the year 2015.

"The large number of brownfield sites, combined with the state's generous incentives for brownfields redevelopment, create a prime opportunity to expand Michigan's renewable energy capacity," said Dr. Soji Adelaja, John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor in Land Policy and director of the Institute. "Adapting such sites to renewable energy development does not require the costly environmental remediation necessary for other uses."

The report, titled "Potential Application of Renewable Energy on Brownfield Sites: A Case Study of Michigan," is the outcome of a joint project between the Land Policy Institute and the National Center for Neighborhood and Brownfields Redevelopment at Rutgers University in New Jersey. The project was supported by funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation under the People and Land Program and by the Hannah Professor Research Endowment at MSU. It is intended to inform policy in the state about Michigan's wind and solar power potential from brownfields and offers recommendations on guidelines, training, education and technical assistance for economic development officials and brownfield authorities.

Download the report from the Land Policy Institute website. Click on Downloadable Research for publications on Renewable Energy, Green Infrastructure, New Economy, Viable Agriculture and other studies, or learn more about the Institute at

The MSU Land Policy Institute focuses on research and outreach related to land use and strategic growth in the New Economy. The Institute delivers innovative solutions, transitioning knowledge from land use experts to the community. The Institute was founded in 2006.

Green-e Marketplace program in 2008.

San Francisco-based Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) says there were a record number of voluntary purchases of Green-e Energy certified renewable energy by businesses in the Green-e Marketplace program in 2008. These purchases were led by Intel Corp., PepsiCo and Mohawk Paper. Intel made the largest purchase of renewable energy, with a 1.3 MWh purchase in January 2008.

The growth in the overall voluntary market for renewable energy has been driven by large commercial purchases of renewable energy certificates (RECs). Green power sales increased over 50% in 2007 over the previous year, with REC sales up 55%, according to the Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

The third-party nonprofit certification program Green-e Energy certified 69% of the overall voluntary renewable energy market in 2007, and companies that buy a qualifying amount of certified renewable energy are eligible to join Green-e Marketplace and display the logo. These organizations voluntarily support energy generated from renewable sources, which displace other non-renewable sources from the electric grid. Total purchases by Green-e Marketplace participants exceeded 2.8 million MWh in 2008.

SOURCE: Center for Resource Solutions

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Green Economy

McKinsey and Co. has issued a report that outlines a path toward creating a green economy by showing how current technology, if fully deployed, could dramatically reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Many of the technologies identified in the report would provide savings to consumers and create thousands of new, green-collar jobs.

"If the policies were in place to force the broader deployment of the technologies highlighted in this report, thousands of new jobs would be created across the country," says Richard Moss, vice president for climate change at World Wildlife Fund.

The report, "Pathways to a Low Carbon Economy," lists more than 200 opportunities, across 10 sectors and 21 geographical regions, that have the potential to cut global GHG emissions by 55% below 1990 levels by 2030 - a reduction of 70% from the business as usual scenario. The study was supported by 10 sponsors, including WWF and energy, automotive and technology companies.

By 2030, wind, solar and other sustainable renewable energy sources could be rapidly scaled up, while energy efficiency could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than a quarter. The report states that deforestation in developing countries, the source of nearly 20% of global emissions and a major threat to sustainable development, could be almost fully halted.

McKinsey concludes that the total cost of implementing all of the measures contained in the report would be less than one half of 1% of global gross domestic product. However, the report does not include the economic costs that would result from escalating climate change impacts if emissions are not reduced.

The McKinsey study has been extensively peer-reviewed by scientists, economists and expert bodies, including WWF.

SOURCE: World Wildlife Fund

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The renewable energy and energy efficiency (RE&EE) industries represented more than 9 million jobs and over $1 billion in U.S. revenue in 2007, according to the American Solar Energy Society's Green Collar Jobs report.

According to the report, the renewable energy industry grew three times as fast as the U.S. economy, with the solar thermal, photovoltaic, biodiesel and ethanol sectors leading the way, each with more than 25% annual revenue growth.

Key steps include a national renewable portfolio standard, long-term extension of the production tax credit, effective net-metering policies and improved access to electric transmission infrastructure.

According to the advanced scenario in the report, which represents the upper limit of what is technologically and economically feasible, RE&EE would generate about 37 million jobs and $4.29 billion in annual revenue by 2030, which is one of three forecast scenarios highlighted in this report.

But while there is tremendous opportunity, there is also a real sense of urgency. Every year's delay by policy-makers has a highly disproportionate and negative impact on long-range growth, according to the report. The longer that policy-makers delay in implementing ambitious renewable energy and energy-efficiency programs, the more difficult it will be to achieve the report's goals by 2030.

SOURCE: American Solar Energy Society

Monday, January 19, 2009

Massachusetts wind power

Gov. Deval Patrick, D-Mass., has set a goal of developing 2,000 MW of wind power capacity by 2020. Citing new mandates that require greater use of renewable energy and sharp reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, Massachusetts can only fulfill these obligations with a significant commitment to wind power, according to the governor.

"With the growing interest in wind turbines we see in communities across the commonwealth and the abundant wind resource we have off our coast, wind power is going to be a centerpiece of the clean energy economy we are creating for Massachusetts," says Patrick.

Massachusetts has been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to house one of two wind technology testing centers in the U.S.

Patrick has directed Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian Bowles to use the 2,000 MW wind goal, as well as the mandates and incentives provided in the package of clean energy legislation enacted last year, to guide the state's efforts to dramatically increase the development and deployment of wind power in the coming years.

There are currently nine wind turbines with capacity of 100 kW or greater installed in Massachusetts, for a total generating capacity of 6.6 MW. There are also more than 300 wind turbines at various stages of planning and permitting that represent a generating capacity of 800 MW.

Installing wind capacity of 2,000 MW would meet an estimated 10% of the state's current electric load with wind power.

SOURCE: Office of Gov. Deval Patrick

I am a bad man

sorry I just find it hard time to time to write anything or even cut and paste.