Green Racine

Welcome to Green Racine!

Please check the page out and visit the links. I love Nuke and Wind Power. Still think we should drill here and drill now!
A wide mix here from Green power to why we need to end the Embargo on Cuba.
I see myself as being GREEN but far from an Al Gore Green Nazi.
Hope this page provokes thought if nothing else

Monday, December 17, 2007

Green Walden

Walden High School in Racine WI, has a group of kids who are doing more to create a more "green" school from Solar power to cleaning up the area around Walden (This is a inner-city area). These kids are doing more with less. All to better the school and the City of Racine.
The Green Racine TV show will be doing a show on them and there efforts.
Green Racine is hoping that we can get them interested in sharing what they have learned to other parts of the City.


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