Friday, December 18, 2009
Wind Education
New Addition To Iowa Lakes C.C. Wind Studies Center Is Dedicated
in News Departments > New & Noteworthy
by NAW Staff on Wednesday 16 December 2009
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The new $550,000 addition to the Sustainable Energy Education Center/Wind Energy and Turbine Technology building on the Estherville, Iowa, campus of Iowa Lakes Community College has been officially dedicated.
KCUA-TV reports that the new 6,200 square-foot addition is ready for the spring semester, which begins on Jan. 14. Financing for the facility was paid, in part, with a $350,000 loan from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
"This addition provides state-of-the-art technology for our wind energy students and allows them to learn necessary skills for the wind industry in a controlled environment prior to working on wind turbines," says Valerie Newhouse, college president. "The addition allowed the college to accept two more sections of students into the wind energy program."
Saturday, December 12, 2009
UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen COP 15/CMP 5, 7 to 18 December 2009
Or is about the power and the cash not the Climate
Where do I begin? If any thinks this effort has anything to do with climate you should quit drinking.
Be it the UN The Government on the United States or ever the State of Wisconsin its all about the money and power.
1st example The bad cows are creating global warming so lets tax them effect raise milk prices Of course The states will follow more price increases. With State and the Feds running so much into debit who will vote no? Of course Milk consumption will go down because milk might become to costly for the poor to buy. They will then turn to suger favored drinks like Soda that will cause more obesity in the youth (another taxing opportunity tax soda so kids will not drink as much of it)
Then you have manure to worry about now used on many organic farms to fertilize crops crops to avoid the use of man made fertilizer manure could now be outlawed cause/forcing the use of more chemicals as inputs on your food. Of course this would cause food prices to go up too to pay for chemicals.
I love the fact that Al Gore is now worth 200 Million up from the 2 million after leaving the white house, thats a what 1000% growth I think? Must be nice consulting the companies that will grow very very rich if Cap and Trade goes down. Gee you do not think he getting paid to promote something that's not happening do you?? Not Al Gore inventor of the internet? I know that Gore has been invited to debate the FACTS behind Global Warning and he has yet to do so, he has had reporters mics shut off to stop the reporters from asking him questions. I believe Al Gore wants no debate on Global Warming (be easier to get his money??)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Renewable Engery is still a good idea
However as the focus shifts we should still create as much as we can renewable Energy as we can.
Why? Well bluntly every doller we spend here on energy we produce is one less doller scum lake Hugo Chavez get to spend on hating this country, or Iran gets to buy weapons or give to groups that would attack this country. As well IMHO I think Obama/EPA might have tipped us to the point of The Shit has hit the fan. so the more our homes can be powered by Wind/Solar etc the better off we can be.
I am very happy about the jobs starting to come to Wisconsin as this State puts up more wind turbans.
Friday, December 4, 2009
With Billions on the line The Global Warming wackos will not go quietly into the night
At the same time no one wants dirty water or air. We need to do more to support the Buy local food movement.
Lets not toss the baby with the bathwater
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Falmouth MA In the News
Mass. Town Installs Turbine
by NAW Staff on Monday 23 November 2009
The Town of Falmouth, Mass., has installed a single Vestas 1.65 MW wind turbine on an 80-meter tower at its wastewater treatment facility. According to the Falmouth Energy Committee, the project is the first in the state owned by a municipality (but not a municipal utility).
The turbine will provide about 33% of the municipal electrical load, and a second 1.5 MW turbine is scheduled to be installed in 2010, which will help the town generate more than half of its own electricity from wind.
A general obligation bond has been issued and the project revenue will cover the debt and operating costs.
In 2002, Falmouth joined the ICLEI’s Cities for Climate Protection program and committed to reducing its dependence on fossil fuel and associated greenhouse gas emissions by 10% by 2010.
SOURCE: Town of Falmouth, Mass., Energy Committee
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
South Carolina sees win of Cost
Wind Turbine Visibility On The Coast
in News Departments > FYI
by NAW Staff on Monday 16 November 2009
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Residents of the South Carolina shoreline could see an offshore wind farm eight miles or more out in the Atlantic Ocean, according to a photo simulation conducted for utility company Santee Cooper by Clemson University's South Carolina Institute for Energy Studies (SCIES).
Typical summer haze would reduce the visibility by about half, according to the simulation. The photo simulation is part of Santee Cooper's ongoing research into the viability of a potential offshore wind farm that would generate renewable electricity for the state-owned utility system. Santee Cooper has set a goal of generating 40% of its electricity by 2020 from non-greenhouse gas emitting resources.
In addition to researching available wind, transmission capabilities, anticipated costs and other factors, Santee Cooper is considering visibility and how that will impact existing onshore land use and tourism considerations.
Offshore wind farms have proven to be tourist attractions in parts of Europe, fostering chartered boat tours to the farms, notes Marc Tye, Santee Cooper's vice president of conservation and renewable energy.
"Other experience does show that an offshore wind farm in South Carolina could complement existing tourism attractions in the area we are studying," he says.
In the simulation, SCIES photographed ocean views from various coastal points along Horry and Georgetown counties, roughly matching the two areas hosting an ongoing wind buoy study by Santee Cooper and Coastal Carolina University.
SOURCE: Santee Cooper
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Green Racine
The real effort is by folks like you and me ideas like Racine County Compost Co-op, Racine Urban Gardening Network, and Eat Right Racine, are efforts of grassroots groups.
Sure some members of the groups might be looking to City Government for leadership (HA!)but they will soon find that the leadership does not care. When thay happens my thought is the groups will simply do it.
True change comes from the Grassroots. Be part of that change what can we do TODAY?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
We have an alderman who hates the idea of a neighborhood taking ownership of a troubled area that would become a garden. Do not worry he should not be reelected.
The Mayor wants a spashpad in the inner city but not food gardens.
Why is so much hate and control focused on the inner city? I will explore this
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Cuba we need to help NOW reprint of Reuters
As you know I have called for the end of the embargo, thinking now that MTV and Coke would have a huge impact on Goverment change in Cuba and trade would help both counties. Big bunis do a number on Chavez in Venezuela. Please write/call/Email your reps in Washington
Thank you
In the few days of this operation we have also reached out to others in the City of Racine to educate them on why composting rocks.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Racine County Compost Co-Op Green Racine Farmers Markert
THe idea is since The CAA of Racine and Kenosha County have no clue on how to get work done but love to have meeting to have meeting to plan idea that need more meetings.
I thought if this was going to happen it be up to me and other locals not government or NGO's are not going to do it. IMHO the goals that CAA about food networks can not be met with the silliness.
So that means I got to do it. Had one false start that I blame the Town of Mt. Pleasant for, either The town leadership is dumb (Organic crops cause run off) or My guy in Racine got to them to refuse my idea. Thank God that I was able to find a farmer in another area who believes in what I am trying to do. So at this time I have an acre for the composting pile and a few hundred squre yards for a truck garden.
So after the land is tilled we will be planing crops to over winter mostly Garlic. Will also use lots of dung on my truck garden area, best of all the truck garden is very close to good running water.
The crops grown in the Truck Garden will be sold at a Farmers Market that I will form to be located I hope at the school near my home or an area near a group of churches. The Market will run on Sundays.
We can do this
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Horse + Worms = Love
Boy so neat. Advice? Make friends with a farmer with horses.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
When the shit hits the fan
How hard is it to keep a few days of extra food/water? Extra blankets and medicine? Not only for you but your pets?
Be it a bad snow storm or a Katrena type event you could find yourself cut off from the local food stores or even cut off from power. Have a few days worth of stuff could be the difference from being inconvenienced to well much much worse.
Both FEMA and the Red Cross have information that can help get you started. The choise are be ready or be a sheep and hope that the magic elfs are coming.
Please please at least think about it
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wind in Cuba
As you can see Cuba understands how even little efforts can go along way.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Racine Urban Garden Network.
Well from a great start I must say in sadness nothing nothing has happened. Well not quite true the large group that met in May/June is down to 5 -7. Why? Well no mission, leadership from the hammer, a "goal" but no plan how to get there. Seams to me lots of meetings to have meetings.
Of course RUGN walks lock step with the Mayor/City so unsted of going for unused city land then RUGN waited until The City gave them 5 areas in Racine. At least one the City is back peddling on
perhaps because its near the Condos that I hear the Mayor has an interest in. I would think that have a place to garden would be a good thing, but I digress
Going to be a huge meeting about a food network in November but do nit know anything about it. Be nice to go but think I will have to crash it due to the fact that whats left of RUGN it pretty ellete the way I see them and not too willing to give out info.
A lot more to cover on this but need caffine
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
40,000 Wind turbines+
From Pike Research:
According to a recent report from Pike Research, the North American market for wind turbines will continue to grow through 2015, driven by new generation additions, as well as replacements of smaller, older turbines with larger, more efficient turbines.
Pike Research's study, "Wind Energy Outlook for North America," analyzes the opportunities and challenges facing wind power in North America in the current economic and political climate.
Key players in the wind energy business are profiled. The report includes quantitative analysis for market sizing, segmentation, market share analysis of turbine vendors, and growth forecasts for the U.S. and Canada through 2015.
The cleantech market intelligence firm forecasts that the turbine market will resume its growth in 2011, following three years of stagnation. According to the report, cumulative wind turbine deployments will exceed 40,000 units during the period from 2010 to 2015.
In addition, Pike Research forecasts that 45% of all turbine installations in North America will be replacements
"The global economic crisis that began in late 2008 has thrown the industry into confusion, along with most global industries," says Clint Wheelock, managing director of Pike Research. "Still, we see cause for optimism in the longer term as capital markets recover and the regulatory environment improves for wind energy."
The report also examines how many turbines will be required to meet wind generation capacity goals, key industry growth drivers, challenges inhibiting the growth of wind power, and the economics of turbine manufacturing, installation, operations and maintenance.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Cuba gets Farming
Even Cuba of all places gets why Urban Agriculture Farmers etc are critical. Can Racine WI , looks like a big NO!
From Cuba Weekly News
...Although he has stepped out of his brother's shadow since taking office, Raúl Castro told the Cuban National Assembly in August: "I was elected to defend, maintain and continue perfecting socialism, not destroy it. We are ready to talk about everything, but not to negotiate our political and social system." Those who hope that
The 78-year-old former brigadier general has signaled that the paternalistic Cuban system may include a little more tough love and a bit more free enterprise. The government is in the process of eliminating subsidized beer for weddings, holidays for exemplary workers, hotel rooms for newlyweds and free chocolate cakes for Mother's Day. In one of the most watched pilot programs,
Out in the countryside, Castro's farm reform has set the villages buzzing. Chewing on an unlit cigar, Fuentes took a visitor on a tour of his new domain. Last year, he worked nine acres of land, mostly for self-consumption, "plus a little left over to sell." This year he applied for and was quickly granted another 20 acres. The plot is his to farm for 10 years, and the only requirement is that he plant crops. Fuentes pointed to his new fields of sweet potatoes, corn, tomatoes, cassava and beans. He's also growing flowers to sell. Chickens were running around, and trees bore monster avocados. The future looks better. "This is big change," he said. "Everyone wants in." His adult daughter Marta works for the local farm cooperative, where Fuentes and other private farmers sell their crops. The state still sets the price -- but the more the farmers produce, the more they sell. They also try to grow better-quality produce, which fetches a higher price. They are paid in cash, which Fuentes appreciates, and they are not told what to plant. "Right now, there are shortages of everything," Fuentes said, "so there is no risk of overproduction."
Marta Fuentes said the local cooperative now has 44 farms as members, up from 31 a year ago. "And not only are there more farmers, the farms themselves, like ours, are bigger," she said. There are more fresh fruits and vegetables available in local markets, she said, and a recent report from the Associated Press said that some commodities appear more abundant in
One of the challenges facing private farmers is the lack of credit and investment. They can work their new farms, but they often
Saturday, October 3, 2009
West Racine Farmer's Market Spot
Why oh why does this city feel that tax base is more critical then anything else all the time?
We have study after study that shows why good food has everyone.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
On the shores of Lake Erie
Giant conglomerate Samsung is apparently pondering a wind farm comprising 200 turbines on the north shore of Lake Erie but the Ontario government would only confirm Sunday that talks with the Korean-based company are in advanced stages.
The proposed wind farm, part of Samsung's new push into renewable energy, would stretch about 25 kilometres from Port Maitland toward Nanticoke, an area considered to have excellent wind potential.
The Ontario government said the two parties have been involved in "months of extraordinarily co-operative effort" toward an agreement that would involve billions of new investment, including in manufacturing facilities.
"Both Samsung C&T Corporation and the government of Ontario are pleased to confirm that efforts are progressing well toward the signing of a historic framework agreement," the government said in a statement.
"While the contents of the proposed agreement remain commercially sensitive, both parties can confirm that Samsung, one of the world's leading companies, proposes to establish a new renewable-energy business in Ontario."
Part of the plan calls for the erection of about 50 of the 200 turbines on sparsely populated forest and scrub lands belonging to Six Nations, near Dunnville, Ont., Chief Bill Montour said Sunday.
There has been "nothing substantive" since Samsung and Ontario government representatives toured his area in late July but the project could be a huge boon under the right circumstances, Montour said.
"We're not interested in one or two per cent of the royalties; we want to have a play in the project," he said.
The chief said Six Nations has a reputation in steel erection, a facility for steel fabrication, and could possibly do some of the electronics assembly and maintenance on the towers and turbines.
Samsung would first put up six, 80-metre measuring towers to see whether a wind farm would be economically viable, he said. The plan was to put those up some time this fall.
Samsung could not be reached for comment Sunday and the Ontario government said further information would only be made available "once a framework agreement has been completed."
To encourage large-and small-scale renewable energy production, Ontario's new Green Energy and Economy Act includes a "feed-in" tariff program - the amount paid to producers of green power.
Wind-turbine developers can earn about 13.5 cents per kilowatt-hour, roughly double the amount consumers now pay for electricity.
Earlier this year, Samsung Heavy Industries Co., the world's second-largest shipyard, announced ambitious plans to enter the global wind-turbine market in 2010.
The company said it planned to make turbines with capacities of 2.5 megawatts and five megawatts for a market it estimated would be worth US$74 billion by 2020.
Samsung has already gained a toe-hold in the U.S. with a winning bid to supply Cielo Windpower with three of its new 2.5 MW turbines. It recently sought to recruit a senior project manager in Ontario for "early-stage development" of wind projects.
The company has also entered the solar-panel business, and both solar-panel and wind-turbine manufacturing in Ontario are reported to be part of the talks with the province.
Ontario's manufacturing sector, particularly its hard-hit auto sector, has shed hundreds of thousands of jobs in recent years .
While Premier Dalton McGuinty called the act a significant move to attract green investment to the province, the United Steelworkers criticized regulations that require wind-power facilities in the province to have 25 per cent Ontario content for the next three years.
"Setting the domestic content so low will not spur the creation of a manufacturing base to support this industry and will limit domestic job creation," the union's Ken Neumann said last week.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
What would you rather see in your neighborhood. A Farmers Market or A Gas Station? A place when friends gather to buy fresh food and talk about the events of the day or place to stop and full up grab a 6 pack then drive off?
Is a building that adds to tax base the best every time or does quality of life meaningful?
How do we educate the powers that be that is is something we the City of Racine need to talk about?
Friday, September 25, 2009
Strange Thoughts
Hate to say this but if the cars and trucks were not selling Ford would not be making them.
The show went on to talk about how bad untilies are for using Coal. Excuse me what should they be using?
Lastly I love the way they use the word environmentalist like saying that everone agrees with their experts. Why do I think this show is a lot of hot air. Be so much better if the message was more in line of this is an issue this is what Mr/Group x thinks sort of thing.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Acciona Energy North America Dedicates EcoGrove Wind Farm In Illinois
Lena, Ill.-based Acciona Energy North America dedicated its first wind farm in Illinois with a ceremony and luncheon. The company also presented superintendents from Lena-Winslow and Warren school districts each with a $5,000 annual scholarship fund for deserving high school seniors planning to pursue a secondary education leading to a career contributing to sustainability.
The 100.5 MW EcoGrove Wind Farm, located in Stephenson County, Ill., uses 67 Acciona Windpower 1.5 MW wind turbines and is spread across approximately 7,000 rural acres. With the exception of the small footprint made by the 67 turbines, at less than one acre each, land use is dominated by farming, which coexists with the wind energy production, according to the company.
Stephenson County made an investment in the EcoGrove project earlier this year, when 14 taxing districts unanimously approved a tax abatement for the project. This tax abatement, a sales/use tax exemption and other incentives were part of the state of Illinois Enterprise Zone Act for which the EcoGrove project met the criteria.
The wind turbines used at EcoGrove were produced at Acciona's West Branch, Iowa, manufacturing facility. The project itself was constructed by 125 local trades people and numerous local and regional suppliers and service providers. Nine of the 10 service technicians filling the project's newly created jobs are from the local area and include volunteer firefighters, retired military personnel, welders, machinists and a racecar driver.
Construction of the wind farm, including turbine erection, was managed by The Morse Group. The project was acquired by Acciona from EcoEnergy LLC, which continued to serve the project in a development and consultative capacity through the completion of the project.
SOURCE: Acciona Energy
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Action Plan Market Garden and Farmers Market
But why?
This is a untapped market there is a huge food desert and those living there would like the same opportunities to provide good food to their families just as much as we do ours.
With NO food stores no one to compete with we would be the only ones. When we then sell for less then the stores our base can get to our base will grow and become our fans.
We would also grow and sell what the ethic community wants to eat and can not find in the stores.
More to come
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Ed Clingman Organic Experimental Farm
1) Grow crops to sell into stores and Farmer's Markets
2) Create a Composing operation using Worms selling both the end compost and surplus worms
3) Explore squire foot gardening efforts
4) Provide educational opportunities
5) Provide food to area food banks
6) Set aside an area for rental garden plots allow low income to receive plots for exchange for labor
7) Provide opportunities for Ex cons to get work experience
8) Bring Green Jobs to Racine County
9) Have fun
Friday, September 18, 2009
Ed Clingman Experimental Organic Farm
Today I and Mr. Robert Beezat will be seeing this land with the aim to rent it.
The goal of the Farm is to create a site for composting using rows and European Earth Worms. The rest of the land will be used to do small scale organic farming to sell into area Farmers Markets and restaurants Some land to be used to help support area food banks and the rest small 10*10 plots one could rent. Latter I will expand on my idea and how I will overcome obstacles
My fear is that after all my work that at the last minuet I will get pushed aside and others will run the operation.
I put that fear in God's hands and take power over this issue.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Whole Foods
This is good news sure mosly PR but the investment helps get a Wind Farm going
AUSTIN, TX (Sept. 15, 2009) — Whole Foods Market (NASDAQ: WFMI) today announced the completion of its 2009 landmark 776 million-kilowatt-hour purchase of renewable energy credits (RECs) from wind farms. The RECs are equal to 100 percent of the Company’s electricity use in its North American locations, and nearly 90 percent of this year’s purchase is helping to fund E.ON Climate & Renewables’ (EC&R) recently-completed Texas-based Panther Creek wind farm.
“Whole Foods Market is working hard to be a leader in environmental stewardship and to make sure that our investment drives new wind power growth for the country. Buying nearly all of our 2009 renewable energy credits from Panther Creek to help bring new power from the wind farm to the grid is a great example of that,” said Lee Matecko, Whole Foods Market global vice president of Construction and Store Development. “And as a Texas-based company, it also feels great to support a Texas-based wind farm. We appreciate Renewable Choice Energy for bringing this partnership together.”
Continuing its commitment to clean energy, nearly 90 percent of the RECs Whole Foods Market has purchased for 2009 came from a Big Spring, Texas-based wind farm, which is 50 miles east of Midland. The project is built and operated by EC&R North America, a renewable energy developer headquartered in Chicago, with development offices in Austin and Denver. The remaining RECs come from a number of different wind farms in locations across the U.S. and Canada. The total purchase of 776,115,000 kilowatt hours, the largest to date by a U.S. retailer, was made in partnership with Boulder, Colo.-based Renewable Choice Energy.
The Panther Creek wind farm began operating in its first phase in 2008, and its final phase of construction was recently completed. Whole Foods Market’s purchase of RECs from Panther Creek wind farm has provided valuable additional financing to the project to support its 2009 completion.
“Support from companies like Whole Foods Market with partners like Renewable Choice Energy creates a valuable revenue stream for us that helps make new wind farms like Panther Creek possible,” said Dean Tuel, vice president of Energy Marketing for E.ON Climate & Renewables North America. “EC&R is developing a number of large scale wind projects in the U.S. over the coming years. Extra funding from renewable energy credit sales will play a crucial role in this growth.”
Whole Foods Market has been a leading supporter of renewable energy development since 2006, when it became the first Fortune 500 Company to offset 100 percent of its electricity use with RECs from wind farms provided by Renewable Choice Energy. The continued purchase of RECs is part of the Company’s comprehensive energy commitment, which also includes plans to more than triple the number of stores with solar panels and to invest in energy-reduction opportunities while retrofitting existing stores with energy-efficient lighting, equipment and mechanical components.
“The Environmental Protection Agency commends Whole Foods Market for their continued commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by purchasing green power,” said Kathleen Hogan, director of the Climate Protection Partnerships Division at EPA. “As a partner in EPA’s Green Power Partnership, and by supporting renewable energy, Whole Foods Market is helping to move our nation into a clean energy future.”
The 2009 Whole Foods Market wind power purchase will help avoid up to 868 million pounds of carbon dioxide pollution. This has an environmental benefit that’s similar to taking more than 72,000 cars off of the roads for a year, or planting nearly 3.6 million mature trees.
“Our work with Whole Foods Market and E.ON Climate & Renewables North America is an example of how corporate responsibility initiatives are directly driving clean solutions to today’s energy and environmental challenges,” said Quayle Hodek, CEO of Renewable Choice Energy. “We’re excited to connect our forward-thinking customers with meaningful renewable energy projects across the country to help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and create a new energy economy in the U.S.”
Learn more about environmental initiatives at Whole Foods Market at or download high resolution photos from the press room: Read more about how RECs work at
# # #
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Status of Urban Gardens in Racine
RUGN seams to be existing to plan meetings for more meetings. Just last Friday planed to go forward with a 501 (c) 3 in some form. Will use UW Parkside as a fiscal agenit and pay the 10% fee.
Took RUGN two months to understand that The City did have 5 places for Garden plots. I think RUGN be quite upset when The City tells them The City will not donate water to them to use nor can RUGN use water out of Lake Michagan.
Communty Action Agency will donate liabity coverage in some cases to garden groups CAA is also working on a county wide meeting on a wide range of issues. I will do another post on CAA plans very interesting stuff.
My thought is that RUGN is too disorganized to get much done we will see what Winter brings.
WE need to be acting not holding meetings
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Back and bad.
So I thought I would restart this Blog and hook it to my Google site page
So I hope to do a better job in keeping this updated. To help that along I fully plan to use the full power of Goggle.
The focus will be the same I think Green Teck Urban Gardening politics of that.
Note my writting sucks. You have been warned.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Great Lakes Wind Council (To Print: use your browser's print function) | Release Date: February 06, 2009 Last Update: February 06, 2009 |
Contact: Megan Brown ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Governor Granholm Signs Executive Order Creating Great Lakes Wind Council | |
February 6, 2009 LANSING - Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today signed Executive Order 2009-1, creating the Great Lakes Wind Council, an advisory body within the Department of Energy, Labor, and Economic Growth that will provide citizens with a public forum to begin to identify where, in the Great Lakes, wind energy systems may be prudently sited. "The Great Lakes are Michigan's most precious natural resource, and they provide tremendous economic value to the citizens of Michigan," Granholm said. "The availability, consistency, and velocity of wind in the Great Lakes make their waters uniquely attractive to wind energy developers seeking to build offshore wind energy systems - but we want to make sure we are prudent in this process of approval." In addition to looking at ways to best engage the people of Michigan in a public dialogue about offshore wind so that statewide interests are considered, the council will identify criteria that can be used to review applications for offshore wind development. The council will also identify criteria for mapping areas that should be excluded from offshore wind development and those areas that are most favorable for such development, providing a full report to the governor by September 1, 2009. The governor announced the following appointments to the Great Lakes Wind Council: Adesoji O. Adelaja, Ph.D. of Okemos, director and founder of the Michigan State University Land Policy Institute and John A. Hannah distinguished professor in land policy, is appointed to represent other residents of this state for a term expiring September 1, 2009. James P. Clift of Lansing, policy director of the Michigan Environmental Council, is appointed to represent statewide environmental organizations for a term expiring September 1, 2009. Frank D. Ettawageshik of Harbor Springs, chair of the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, is appointed to represent Native American tribal governments for a term expiring September 1, 2009. Dennis L. Grinold of Lansing, member of the Michigan Charter Boat Association, is appointed to represent the charter fishing industry for a term expiring September 1, 2009. Curtis A. Hertel, Sr. of Grosse Pointe Woods, executive director of the Detroit-Wayne County Port Authority, is appointed to represent the commercial shipping industry for a term expiring September 1, 2009. Thomas L. Hickner of Bay City, Bay County executive, is appointed to represent local government officials for a term expiring September 1, 2009. M. Jack Knowles, III of Ann Arbor, vice president of Dietrich, Bailey and Associates, P.C., is appointed to represent other residents of this state for a term expiring September 1, 2009. Steven E. Kurmas of Shelby Township, president and chief operating officer of Detroit Edison, one of three major business units of DTE, is appointed to represent electric utilities for a term expiring September 1, 2009. Marty G. Lagina of Traverse City, chief executive officer of Heritage Sustainable Energy, LLC, is appointed to represent the wind energy development industry for a term expiring September 1, 2009. James D. MacInnes of Beulah, chief executive officer and co-owner of Crystal Mountain Resort and Spa, is appointed to represent the tourism industry for a term expiring September 1, 2009. John G. Russell of East Lansing, president and chief operating officer of Consumers Energy, is appointed to represent electric utilities for a term expiring September 1, 2009. Richard F. Vander Veen, III of Lowell, president of Mackinaw Power, is appointed to represent other residents of this state for a term expiring September 1, 2009. Joseph L. Welch of Monroe, chairman, president and chief executive officer of ITC Holdings Corp., is appointed to represent independent electric transmission companies for a term expiring September 1, 2009. These appointments are not subject to disapproval by the Michigan Senate. Executive Order 2009-1 is attached. # # # | |
Copyright © 2009 State of Michigan |
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Farmer's Markets
food better the the chips and soda found in the slums.
I know Racine has two that I know of and the one at Case HQ is on the edge of the inner city area (Tracks 1-5) this one must receive some traffic from these tracks but how much no one knows.
The one in West Racine just started and gets great traffic from the West Racine area I am unsure
how much if any traffic comes from the inner city. Note This Farmer's Market is credical for the West Racine area to prevent a urban desert from forming for those who live in West Racine, the nearest full service groercy story being about 4-5 miles away and diffacult to get to if you do not own a car. Public Transport being for Shit in the City. (Our green Mayor Becker did IMHO everything he could to gut the Bus system) so I am very happy that the West Racine Farmers market is there.
The question being how can Green Racine help bring a market to the tracks 1-5? and is it too late to get one going for this year?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Oil Companies get it
Because of revenue and federal tax breaks, many landowners in the region are seeking to use their land for wind power generation, according to the company. Allenergy is taking the necessary steps to sell, service and install wind power generation. It can also benefit from wind power revenues on its current leases and on additional land leases.
"Though our core focus remains oil and natural gas production and well services, it has been a part of our long-term strategic plan to diversify," says CEO Larry Sanford. "With the incredible rise and fall of oil prices recently, it seems even more prudent to open up additional revenue streams."
Rex Horning, Allenergy's vice president of operations, has been leading the strategic planning for the company's diversification.
SOURCE: Allenergy Inc.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Garden Tool/Seed Co-Op
Working to end the Cuban Embargo
Bringing investment via Wind Power to Southeastern Wisconsin
Stopping KRM
Capt Jones Victory Garden and Rev Brg
Needs right now is a little cash and used tools you may not want anymore.
God willing we can get this up and running by Earth Day.
Ping us if you would like to help.
Food Co-Ops
Just basic food Milk Eggs bread vegs. No beer, wine, or candy. Do workshops on food prep and gardening.
Neighbors working with neighbors
Thoughts? Ideas?
Friday, January 30, 2009
Brownfields to Renewable Energy
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Green-e Marketplace program in 2008.
The growth in the overall voluntary market for renewable energy has been driven by large commercial purchases of renewable energy certificates (RECs). Green power sales increased over 50% in 2007 over the previous year, with REC sales up 55%, according to the Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
The third-party nonprofit certification program Green-e Energy certified 69% of the overall voluntary renewable energy market in 2007, and companies that buy a qualifying amount of certified renewable energy are eligible to join Green-e Marketplace and display the logo. These organizations voluntarily support energy generated from renewable sources, which displace other non-renewable sources from the electric grid. Total purchases by Green-e Marketplace participants exceeded 2.8 million MWh in 2008.
SOURCE: Center for Resource Solutions
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Green Economy
"If the policies were in place to force the broader deployment of the technologies highlighted in this report, thousands of new jobs would be created across the country," says Richard Moss, vice president for climate change at World Wildlife Fund.
The report, "Pathways to a Low Carbon Economy," lists more than 200 opportunities, across 10 sectors and 21 geographical regions, that have the potential to cut global GHG emissions by 55% below 1990 levels by 2030 - a reduction of 70% from the business as usual scenario. The study was supported by 10 sponsors, including WWF and energy, automotive and technology companies.
By 2030, wind, solar and other sustainable renewable energy sources could be rapidly scaled up, while energy efficiency could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than a quarter. The report states that deforestation in developing countries, the source of nearly 20% of global emissions and a major threat to sustainable development, could be almost fully halted.
McKinsey concludes that the total cost of implementing all of the measures contained in the report would be less than one half of 1% of global gross domestic product. However, the report does not include the economic costs that would result from escalating climate change impacts if emissions are not reduced.
The McKinsey study has been extensively peer-reviewed by scientists, economists and expert bodies, including WWF.
SOURCE: World Wildlife Fund
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
According to the report, the renewable energy industry grew three times as fast as the U.S. economy, with the solar thermal, photovoltaic, biodiesel and ethanol sectors leading the way, each with more than 25% annual revenue growth.
Key steps include a national renewable portfolio standard, long-term extension of the production tax credit, effective net-metering policies and improved access to electric transmission infrastructure.
According to the advanced scenario in the report, which represents the upper limit of what is technologically and economically feasible, RE&EE would generate about 37 million jobs and $4.29 billion in annual revenue by 2030, which is one of three forecast scenarios highlighted in this report.
But while there is tremendous opportunity, there is also a real sense of urgency. Every year's delay by policy-makers has a highly disproportionate and negative impact on long-range growth, according to the report. The longer that policy-makers delay in implementing ambitious renewable energy and energy-efficiency programs, the more difficult it will be to achieve the report's goals by 2030.
SOURCE: American Solar Energy Society
Monday, January 19, 2009
Massachusetts wind power
"With the growing interest in wind turbines we see in communities across the commonwealth and the abundant wind resource we have off our coast, wind power is going to be a centerpiece of the clean energy economy we are creating for Massachusetts," says Patrick.
Massachusetts has been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to house one of two wind technology testing centers in the U.S.
Patrick has directed Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian Bowles to use the 2,000 MW wind goal, as well as the mandates and incentives provided in the package of clean energy legislation enacted last year, to guide the state's efforts to dramatically increase the development and deployment of wind power in the coming years.
There are currently nine wind turbines with capacity of 100 kW or greater installed in Massachusetts, for a total generating capacity of 6.6 MW. There are also more than 300 wind turbines at various stages of planning and permitting that represent a generating capacity of 800 MW.
Installing wind capacity of 2,000 MW would meet an estimated 10% of the state's current electric load with wind power.
SOURCE: Office of Gov. Deval Patrick